Thursday, December 19, 2019

Abortion And The United States - 1704 Words

Since 1973, abortion has been considered â€Å"legal† in the United States. But, just because abortion is legal, does that automatically justify it as moral? The Bible never clearly states â€Å"though shall not abort your children.† On the other hand, Exodus 20:13, states â€Å"though shall not murder.† Not only does Exodus speak of prohibiting murder, Genesis 9:3, states that â€Å"whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man.† According to, abortion became legalized in the United States in 1973; however, does declaring something â€Å"legal† grant the power to be morally sound as well (The Christian, n.d.)? The Bible uses the term child to describe a â€Å"born† and â€Å"unborn† baby. According to the†¦show more content†¦As a result, society is using â€Å"personhood† to define when a child could be described as an assortment of organs. Rese archer, Carl Sagan, estimated that at 6 months a child could be considered to be under the category of â€Å"personhood.† Clearly personhood was created to justify the means of abortion. Such ideas were never expressed in the bible. On the contrary, the bible describes personhood as reaching self-actualization. Self-actualization comes from knowing their lord and savior. These two terms are their exact opposite, both may define life but neither would agree on the subject of when a â€Å"baby† or â€Å"fetus† becomes a human being (The Christian, n.d.). Churches from the early ages understood the Bible’s adversity to abortion. The reason why the Bible doesn’t contain precise scriptures detailing why abortion is condemned is due to the 6th commandment. Exodus 20:13, which states â€Å"though shall not murder.† This would pertain to suicide, poison, abortion, and etcetera. Eventually, as the church spread to different regions, those involved didn’t concede with their traditions. Hence, new prohibition were written to forbid abortion due to their Comprehension of the bible (The Christian, n.d.). Christianity’s belief system is founded upon Jesus’s supreme revelations. In addition, his instructions are conveyed within the old Testaments. Which consist of the four gospels and Jewish Scriptures. The Roman Catholic, Protestant

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